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Personnel Psychology

Personnel Psychology is derivative of the branch of science called psychology. The application of psychological knowledge to the resolution of problems in other fields of knowledge is referred to as Applied Psychology. Personnel Psychology therefore implies the application of psychological principles in the management of personnel issues. Dennis Coon (1995:5) defined it as a ‘branch of industrial/organizational psychology concerned with testing, selection, placement and promotion of employees’.

To this end, personnel psychology is mostly applied by Human Resource Experts in the area of job analysis, selection procedure (with the use of biodata, personal interview, aptitude tests and multi-media computerized tests)

Similarities In Personnel Management, Human Resource Management And Personnel Psychology

The major link between these three concepts stems from their overall goals. They all aim at enhancing productivity with Personnel Management designing the best pro-personnel policies that are geared towards ensuring their (employees’) commitment and sustained interest. The Human Resource Management on its part ensures that the workers/employees are well mobilized and motivated to ensure that the overall objectives of the organisation are meant to the delight of its customers and management.

Personnel psychology, in combining with Human Resource Management brings to bear its knowledge in the area of personnel recruitment, selection, training, compensation, and benefits, labour relations, negotiation and personnel information system.