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Methods of Collecting Job Information

1. Observation: Job analyst carefully observes the job holder at work and records what & how s/he does and how much time is needed for completion of given task.

2. Interview: Job analyst interviews the job holder & supervisor about the job. Generally structured form is used. The analyst must make judgements about the informations to be included and its degree of importance.

3. Questionnaire: Job holder fill in the given structured questionnaire, which are then approved by their supervisor.

4. Checklists: Similar to questionnaire, but the response-sheet contains fewer subjective judgements and tends to be either yes-or-no variety. It can cover many activities but job holder has to tick only those tasks that are included in their jobs.

5. Technical Conference Method: A conference of supervisor who possess extensive knowledge about a job are used.

6. Diary Method: Job holders records in detai their activities each day in a diary.