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Recruitment Methods

1.1 Internal Methods:
• Job posting
Employee referral
Human resource inventory search

1.2 Internal Sources:
• Present Employees: Promotion, transfers, job rotation

• Employee Referrals: “finders fees”, Microsoft, Wipro, Infosys, Texas instrument

• Formers Employees: Retired employees may be willing to come back on part time basis, may recommend someone, people who have left the company for some reasons or other are willing to come back and work

• Previous Applicants: Although not truly an internal source, can be contacted quickly to fill an unexpected opening.

2. External Methods/Sources:
• Advertisement
• Professional or Trade Associations
• Employment Exchange
University & Colleges
• Walk-ins, Write-ins and Talk-ins
• Consultants
• Contractors
• Competitors
• E-recruiting

Alternatives to Recruitment 
Organizations search for alternatives to recruitment because of the cost of recruiting. The alternatives to recruitments are:

1. Overtime
2. Employee Leasing: Staff outsourcing, paying charges  to a leasing company or consulting firm that handles payroll, employee benefits and routine HR functions for the client company.
3. Temporary Employment