Evaluation of Training Program
Effectiveness of training programs are constantly evaluated by the company to find if the money, they have invested has been spend properly or not. Training programs can be evaluated by asking following questions:
a) Has change occurred after training?
b) Is the change due to training?
c) Is the change positive or negative?
d) Will the change continue with every training program?
A training program should give following resulting changes:
1. Reaction:
Reaction refers to attitude of employee about the training, whether the employee considers training to be +ve or –ve one. If reaction are +ve then people have accepted the program and changes will be possible.
2. Learning:
Another method of judging effectiveness is to identify levels of learning i.e. how much the people have learnt during the training. This can be found out by trainers mark sheet, the report submitted by the employee, and actual performance.
3. Behavior:
The HR department needs to understand behavior of the employees, to understand the effectiveness of training. The behavioral change can be seen in how the person interacts with juniors, peer groups and seniors. They mark change in behavior and inform the HR department of the success of training program.
4. Result:
Results provided by employee in monetary terms also determines effectiveness of training program i.e. employee success in handling the project, the group performance before and after training etc.
5. Effectiveness of training program must lead to
i. Increase in efficiency of worker
ii. Reduction in labour turnover
iii. Increase in discipline
iv. Reduction in wastage and therefore cost of production
v. Proper care of tools and equipments
vi. Employee development in career terms
vii. Overall efficiency in the company
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