Process or Procedure of Training
Process or Procedure of Training:
1. Determining training need of employee
2. Select a target group for training
3. Preparing trainers
4. Developing training packages
5. Presentation
6. Performance
7. Follow up
1. Determining Training Needs of Employee:
In the very 1st step of training procedure, the HR department, identifies the number of people required training, specific area in which they need training, the age group of employee, the level in organization etc. in some cases the employee may be totally new to the organization. Here the general introduction training is required. Some employees may have problems in specific areas; here the training must be specific. This entire information is collected by HR department.
2. Selecting Target Group:
Based on information collected in step 1 the HR department divides employee into groups based on the following:
i. Age group
ii. The area of training
iii. Level in the organization
iv. The intensity of training etc.
3. Preparing Trainers:
Once the employees have been divided into groups, the HR department arranges for trainers. Trainers can be in house trainers or specialized trainers from outside. The trainers are given details by HR department, like number of people in group, their age, their level in organization, the result desired at the end of training, the area of training, the number of days of training, the training budget, facilities available etc.
4. Preparing Training Packages:
Based on the information provided by trainers, he prepares entire training schedule i.e. number of days, number of sessions each day, topics to be handled each day, depth of which the subject should be covered, the methodology for each session, the test to be given foe each session, handout/printed material to be given in each session.
5. Presentation:
On the first day of training program the trainer introduces himself and specifies the need and objective of the program and then actually stars the program. The performance of each employee is tracked by the trained and necessary feedback is provided.
6. Performance:
At the end of training program the participants reports back to their office or branches. They prepare report on the entire training program and what they have learned. They the start using whatever they have learned during their training. Their progress and performance is constantly tracked and suitable incentives are given if the participant is able to use whatever he has learned in training.
7. Follow Up:
Based on the em0ployee performance, after training, the HR department is able to identify what is exactly wrong with training program and suitable correction is made.
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