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Hiring - Meaning & Importance

Hiring is the process of appointing the candidate selected to the post/ job which is vacant. Appointment of a certain person to a particular post involves formally asking that person to work on the post or assigning him /her officially to do it. It involves placing the selected employees on the right positions of the jobs.

This step is a sub section of a selection as mentioned the process. At hiring a candidate is called as new employee. When the candidate has accept the job offer for the particular post, there after he/she is considered as an employee of the organization. Hiring is a not single task. It has a process of tasks and after the entire process, new comer is considering as new employee.

Hiring a Candidate as New Employee to Organization
The step next to the selection is hiring employee to the organization. Some are called this as absorption of an employee to the organization. The most important and legal part is begin in this step.

Importance of Hiring a Person for a Job
Human resource planning focuses of knowing types and numbers of specific job vacancies. Carder plan is showing the work force need to the organization as mentioned above. After the planning when organizations decide to recruit new employees to the vacancies, the first step or recruitment is begin. Then as recruitment doing so, advertising vacancies on news papers, web sites and by using the functions using from organizations, are demanding for their workforce. 

Recruitment focuses of seeking and receiving job applicants. After advertised the vacancies, usually organizations are receiving applications for the particular posts. As mention at the selecting process organizations have to select the best applicant suits for their vacancy. Selection focuses on choosing the right job applicants to fill the job vacancies. Until hiring is done there are no new employees placed on the jobs to perform relevant duties and responsibilities. It is essential to offer jobs to the relevant selected job candidates and invite them to the organization to commence the working. Otherwise there can not be consider, that there is having legal intention on the recruiting/ hiring a person for the organization. Offering and inviting occurs in hiring function.