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Selection of PLC and Private Companies

Selection is the most important step in Hiring an employee to the organization. That is because of a one bad selection may cause for the large amount of loss, and may be a bankrupting of an organization. 

Selection: Selection is mean choose the perfect employee, best alternative for the right place it is needed at the right time from a capable group of applicants.

Usually companies will have large amount of applications at the application call for the vacancy. So it is must to have a selection step for choose the best applicant. Selection is should be a transparent method. But unfortunately some of private companies are not practicing these transparent methods while many of companies – Public Liable Companies (PLC) and government organizations following those methods. 

At selection part, organizations could use different methods. Assume if a particular company has received 300 applications for one 7 vacancies in the same grade and post. So how can company select the proffered 7 applicants? For this type of situations, companies are using sorting methods. Ethically the company should call for all the applicants for interviews or for exams. But interviews and exams are costly. So at the beginning companies are sorting Applications on concern their qualifications, both educational and experience. After that the HRD of companies will be able to select at least 150 out of 300. Then conducting an exam for the rest of people will not be too hard. Most of times, companies are selecting around 15-25% of the total applicants, according to the situation they are facing. 

After sorting the candidates from their applications, usually companies will have an examination part for the further sorting. These exams may include general knowledge, aptitude test, mathematics and language. General knowledge is usually using for measure the general awareness of the person. Aptitude testing is generally for measure the decision making and understanding ability of the candidate. Mathematics is using for measure the rational decision making and logics of the candidate. After this part, selected candidates will send to the part of interview. The way of interview and interviewers are depend on the company. Some companies are using service of around 12 interviewers while some are using only one interviewer at the interview. But most of times for the PLC are using around 3-5 interviewers at once. Some companies are conducting 2 to 5 interviews while some are using only one interview. The selecting part is complies with the company policies, and strategies usually. 

For the government institutions, there should have a proper, transparent method to select the best candidates for the exam. Many of countries which are having free education are using examination methods at the selecting candidates for the jobs. 

Any how the scope of the selection is to choose the best person fitting for the job available at the organization. It is good to have a large pool of candidates at the selection, and then the company will able to select the best person fitting with the job, among candidates.